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“…you shall teach them diligently to you children…” (Deut. 6:6-9)

We believe “intergenerationality creates opportunities for adults, youth, and children to build relationships across the age spectrum, to share each other’s spiritual journeys, and to learn from and encourage those ahead of us on the journey as well those coming along behind.”* 

Jesus always welcomed and loved the children (Matt. 19:13-15), and we do too! We believe families, singles, retirees, under-employed, and over-employed all journeying together to pursue Jesus is ideal. Seeing one another authentically loving Jesus through the thick and thin of life blesses the whole church. We learn from each other and grow to understand and love each other more. So, we have childcare during the teaching time for ages 1 to 5 partly as a service to families, but we deeply care about kids learning and seeing the whole church body love Jesus. 

We don't want kids to harm themselves, others, or personal property in their pursuit of adventure, nor do we want kids to go home with stomach aches from overindulging. So, here are some guidelines we put together to bless our kids and church:

Have Fun 

We want kids to have fun, but we also want them to love Jesus more. If kids make some noise during the teaching time, that is fine! But we do want to shepherd kids towards maturity. 

Be Good Stewards

We don’t want to waste what God has entrusted to us. So, let's try to steward food, paper products, and everything God has given us. 

Show Respect

We want to be careful with people’s spaces and things (e.g., refrain from wandering in homes or writing on walls). Parents, please help ensure kids are showing respect to people and property.

Help Keep Kids Safe

We want kids to stay safe and don’t want them to get hurt. Please help watch your kids and other people’s kids. If a parent needs a hand, give a hand. If you need help, ask for help. 

Learn & Love

Help kids lean in and learn. Kids often rise to the level of expectation. Let’s treat kids as capable. Let’s work hard to love each other. 

Model & Connect

We believe in intergenerational church partly because we believe kids seeing adults love Jesus is valuable. Set an example in conduct, love, faith, and purity. 

Be A Family 

The church is a family, but The Gathering is also an important time for the physical family. We encourage family units to be together when we pray and to be intentional about opportunities for discipleship.


* Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton, & Cory L. Seibel, Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, COmmunity, and Worship (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2023), 22.